
Best Quadriceps Workouts To Build Those Wheels

What Goes Into The Best Quadriceps Workouts?

There was a time when a lot of guys who go to the gym would neglect quadriceps workouts and focus almost exclusively on the upper body. When I started lifting, I didn’t see near as many guys training legs as I do now. Even so, there are still quite a few who don’t train their legs at the same level as they do for the upper body muscles. That soreness you get when you’re new to leg workouts certainly isn’t fun. However, you can find that point where working the legs can be done, and you can still do what you need to do when not at the gym.

How Often Should You Train Legs?

I prefer training all of the leg muscles together. These workouts start with quadriceps training, followed by hamstring and calf workouts. I keep it to one leg workout per week these days. Since I enjoy cycling, they’re gonna get some work on other days as well. At this point in my life, this once-per-week training is more than enough. These are large muscles that require plenty of recovery time.

What Are The Best Exercises To Build The Quads?

The best quadriceps workouts include major compound and isolation exercises. The exercises that are going to work all of the leg muscles, but mostly the quadriceps, are done at the beginning of the workouts. The exercises that isolate the muscles of the quads are done after this. I have a few quad workouts I like to do with different exercises to keep the gains from going stagnant. Of course, what exercises are done can be switched and there are plenty of options when it comes to training these muscles.


Quadriceps Workout #1


This is the classic that we all know and love – although “love” may not be the right word. There is something about taking a heavy weight on your back and squatting it. Many nuances, from foot placement on the squat to how low you can go, are part of performing the exercise. Get down to at least where your thighs are parallel to the floor. Keep the knees in line with the toes. I like to do 4 or 5 working sets after warming up.

As opposed to most other exercises, these days I prefer working my way up in weight for my working sets of squats. For the next couple of sets, the weight is increased and the reps decreased. For the last couple of sets, I like to decrease the weight and do more reps. Between each set, I take 2 minutes to recover.

Walking Lunges

After squats, I like to do a few sets of walking lunges. I grab a pair of dumbbells and lunge down a track for about 10 to 15 reps. To keep my reps up, I’ll use less weight as I do each set.

Adductor Machine

I never used to do this one as it just doesn’t look very manly. However, I felt like my adductors needed more direct training to keep balance in my quadriceps muscles so I started using this machine. It’s an exercise that the amount of weight isn’t the focus but the execution is. It has you using your adductors to bring the legs together against resistance. At the end of each rep, pause to really feel it in the muscles.

Leg Extension

This one is done one leg at a time. Some leg extension machines are built to be used one leg at a time. Use one of these if you have access to one. Go to failure with one leg, going for around 20 reps to really burn the quads. After this, train the other leg. Then immediately go back to training the first. I like to go back to back like this until each leg has had 3 sets in this superset.


Quadriceps Workout #2

Squat Machine/Hack Squats

I like to start this workout with squats done on a piece of gym equipment, preferably with back support. This allows me to put my feet out in front a bit from the rest of my body and squat down until at least where my thighs are parallel to the platform my feet are on. I go for 4 straight sets, starting with my heaviest weight. Then the weight is decreased by about 10% on each subsequent set with 2 minutes of rest between each one.

Bosu Goblet Squats

This is one high rep set done while balancing on the rounded side of a Bosu ball. I go to failure with a 40-pound dumbbell or kettlebell, then go to standing on the floor to get more reps. To finish I get back on the ball and do more reps without any weight before finishing with bodyweight squats on the floor.

Cossack Squats

This is an exercise that will hit the inner quads. Grab a kettlebell or dumbbell and squat down to one side with the other leg going straight out to the side. Rep out with one leg, then train the other leg. After this, return to training for the first leg. Go for 3 back and forth sets for one continuous superset.

Leg Extensions

For this quadriceps workout, do this exercise using both legs. I like to do a drop set here, dropping the weight twice for three total sets as part of the superset. Go for higher reps to really set the quads on fire.


Quadriceps Workout #3

Leg Press

4 working sets going from low reps for heavy weight to higher reps with lighter weights on each subsequent set. I like to use wider foot placement to lift more on the heavy sets. Then my foot placement gets a little closer as I lighten the weight on each set.

Hack Squat

One set is done with some short pauses before more reps are done. Start with a weight you can do for 10 to 15 reps, and rest 10 seconds after failure before continuing the set. I like to do 3 or 4 of these short pauses. To finish the set drop some weight to get more reps.

Standing Dumbbell Lunges

For this exercise, you can train one leg to failure then go to the other leg or alternate legs from rep to rep. To increase intensity go back to back between going to failure on each leg or lighten the weights you are using for a drop set.

Sissy Squats

This exercise is almost like a standing leg extension. It’s best done on an apparatus that allows you to hold your ankles in position so you can lean your whole body back at the knees before returning to a standing position. Use a light dumbbell for more resistance and go for a couple of 10 to 15 seconds rests to keep your set going.

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