
7 Kettlebell Core Exercises To Strengthen Your Midsection

How To Strengthen the Core With Kettlebells

A strong core is essential for overall health and fitness. Your core muscles are responsible for stabilizing your spine and pelvis, supporting your posture, and enabling you to perform everyday movements with ease. And what better way to strengthen your core than with kettlebell exercises?

Kettlebells are a versatile and effective tool for building strength and improving mobility. They can be used for a wide range of exercises that target your entire body, including your core. In this article, we’ll explore 7 kettlebell core exercises that will help you achieve a strong and stable midsection. These exercises should definitely play a part in the best core workouts.

Kettlebell Around the Head

The kettlebell around the head is an excellent exercise for strengthening your core, shoulders, and arms. Here’s how to do it:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a kettlebell in both hands.
  • Lift the kettlebell up and over your head with your arms extended.
  • Move the kettlebell around your head in a circular motion, keeping your elbows close to your ears.
  • Reverse the direction of the circle after several repetitions.
  • Try moving the kettlebell down to one side on each rep for more core activation.

One Arm Kettlebell Walks

One-arm kettlebell walks are a great way to improve your core stability and shoulder strength. They are also excellent for grip strength if you don’t use wrist straps while holding the kettlebell. Here’s how to do it:

  • Hold a kettlebell in one hand at your side.
  • Take a step forward with your opposite foot, then step forward with your kettlebell hand.
  • Continue alternating steps, keeping your core engaged and your shoulders stable.
  • Once you can’t hold the kettlebell on one side, put it down, give yourself a few seconds, and work the other side.

Overhead Kettlebell Walks

Overhead kettlebell walks are a challenging exercise that will strengthen your core, shoulders, and upper back. Here’s how to do it:

  • Hold a kettlebell overhead with one arm, keeping your elbow locked out and your core engaged.
  • Take a step forward with your opposite foot, then step forward with your kettlebell hand.
  • Continue alternating steps, keeping your core stable and your arm extended.
  • If you want, you can try this with a kettlebell in each hand.

Kettlebell Swings

Kettlebell swings are one of the most effective exercises for building strength and power in your core, hips, and legs. Here’s how to do it:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a kettlebell with both hands.
  • Hinge forward at your hips and swing the kettlebell back between your legs.
  • Quickly reverse the motion and swing the kettlebell up to shoulder height.
  • Repeat for several repetitions, keeping your core engaged and your movements smooth and controlled.

Turkish Get-Ups

Turkish get-ups are full-body exercises that will challenge your core stability and improve your mobility. Here’s how to do it:

  • Lie on your back with a kettlebell in one hand, arm extended straight up.
  • Roll onto your side and sit up, keeping the kettlebell extended overhead.
  • Come to a standing position, still holding the kettlebell overhead.
  • Reverse the motion and return to the starting position, keeping the kettlebell extended overhead throughout the movement.
  • Repeat for several repetitions on one side, then switch to the other side.

Kettlebell Windmills

Kettlebell windmills are a challenging exercise that will strengthen your core, shoulders, and hips. Here’s how to do it:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a kettlebell in one hand overhead, with your arm extended straight up.
  • Rotate your feet and hips to the side opposite the kettlebell.
  • Slowly bend at the waist, sliding your opposite hand down your leg as you reach for the ground with the kettlebell hand.
  • Keep your arm extended and your core engaged throughout the movement.
  • Reverse the motion and return to the starting position, then repeat for several repetitions before switching sides.

Kettlebell Russian Twists

Kettlebell Russian twists are a classic core exercise that will target your abs, obliques, and lower back. Here’s how to do it:

  • Sit on the ground with your knees bent and your feet flat.
  • Hold a kettlebell with both hands, close to your chest.
  • Lean back slightly and lift your feet off the ground, balancing on your tailbone.
  • Rotate your torso to one side, touching the kettlebell to the ground beside you.
  • Rotate back to the center, then repeat on the other side.
  • Continue alternating sides for several repetitions, keeping your core engaged throughout the movement.


Q: Are kettlebell exercises safe for beginners? A: Yes, but it’s important to start with lighter weights and focus on proper form before progressing to heavier weights or more complex movements.

Q: Can kettlebell exercises help me lose weight? A: Yes, kettlebell exercises can be a great addition to a weight loss program, as they provide a full-body workout and can help increase your metabolism. the key is to keep going with little or no rest to keep your heart rate up.

Q: How often should I do kettlebell core exercises? A: It’s recommended to do kettlebell core exercises 2-3 times per week, with at least one day of rest in between. One thing I like to do is to do a kettlebell core exercise while “resting” between sets on major exercises like bench presses or bent-over rows.


Incorporating these 7 kettlebell core exercises into your workout routine can help you achieve a strong and stable midsection, while also improving your overall strength, mobility, and fitness. Remember to start with lighter weights and focus on proper form, and gradually progress as your strength and technique improve. Happy swinging!

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