The Best Row Variations To Build Your Upper Back
What Are The Best Versions Of Row Exercises? Rows are easily the most important exercise to build thickness through the upper back muscles. There really is no alternative, the vast majority of upper back exercises for thickness involve some type of rowing motion. Of course, there are many ways you can perform this exercise. The […]
Weight Training For Men Over 40
Why Doesn’t It Get Any Easier? It certainly doesn’t get any easier when it comes to lifting. In fact, if it did, would it be worth doing? Part of the allure of lifting is the challenge. This challenge may change as we age, but there are always going to be goals you can set and […]
Incredible Squat Alternatives To Train The Legs
Why Would You Go Away From Squatting? It’s quite well known that squats are one of the best exercises you can do during your leg workouts. It’s not just the legs either, as the classic free-weight barbell squat makes many muscle groups take part in the movement. While the quadriceps are usually going to do […]
Best Push-Up Variations To Add To Your Workouts
Why Are Push-Ups Such A Popular Exercise? The push-up is very likely the first resistance exercise many of us learned to do. Whether you learned it in gym class, or from a parent or a friend, you know what a push-up is. Throughout your life, you’ve no doubt seen many a push-up done, and have […]
Best Bodyweight Exercises To Get Into Incredible Shape
Can You Reach Your Goals By Just Using Your Bodyweight? There’s nothing like going to the gym to lift weights and build muscle and even lose fat as a result. Progressive resistance is done by constantly trying to get a little more weight up or more reps with the same weight as you’ve used before. […]
Best Unique Weight Training Exercises To Take Advantage Of
There are a ton of weight training exercises you can do to help pack on muscle and lose fat. On top of that, just about every exercise can be modified to change how it targets the muscle you are training. Any routine will have you doing multiple exercises to hit each muscle group. With all […]
The Best Workouts To Thicken Your Forearms
How Important Is It To Train The Forearms? The forearms aren’t some huge muscle group by any means when compared to others. However, there are some factors that make training them directly an essential part of any weight training routine. One major thing about the forearms is that they are likely to be visible more […]
Building Your Calves With High Intensity Training
How Do You Build Big Calves If You Weren’t Born With Them? You’ve certainly seen very developed calves on somebody who’s never touched a weight in their lives. It’s also common to see an avid gym goer with no lower leg development to speak of. The calves are probably the most genetic-dependent muscle group. It […]
Hamstrings Workouts For Complete Leg Development
How Can You Build Hamstrings To Keep Up With Your Quadriceps? The quadriceps muscles on the fronts of the thighs are some of the strongest on the body. In most exercises, they are aided by the hamstrings muscles on the backs of the thighs. Strengthening and building the hamstrings can only help you get better […]
Best Quadriceps Workouts To Build Those Wheels
What Goes Into The Best Quadriceps Workouts? There was a time when a lot of guys who go to the gym would neglect quadriceps workouts and focus almost exclusively on the upper body. When I started lifting, I didn’t see near as many guys training legs as I do now. Even so, there are still […]